Sunday, June 12, 2011

Waiting for confidence

#Trust30 blogging challenge

Prompt 7: “Next to Resistance, rational thought is the artist or entrepreneurs worst enemy. Bad things happen when we employ rational thought, because rational thought comes from the ego. Instead, we want to work from the Self, that is, from instinct and intuition, from the unconscious.

A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. Its only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.” - Steven Pressfield, Do the Work

The idea of “being realistic” holds all of us back. From starting a business or quitting a job to dating someone who may not be our type or moving to a new place – getting “real” often means putting your dreams on hold.

Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle. The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?

Waiting for confidence
Rational thought seeks to justify, but our pure essence is best expressed before any thoughts of justification set in. It needs to just be. Not be because.

In this way we let the heart speak first, to be heard fully in all its unfettered creativity before the brain has a say, introduces doubt, fear or justification. Rational thought may have its place, but that place should be lead by the heart in a way that is expansive, creative and gives us energy, not the other way around. ‘Being realistic’ does not mean your dreams should not be allowed to be fully dreamt in the first place.

Something I’ve always wanted to have is a creative relationship with someone free-spirited and pure-hearted who both reflects and brings out the best in me - for whom I also do the same. But I’ve been afraid to pursue it for fear that this is unrealistic, that such a person does not exist and I will end up disappointed and disillusioned. How to pick yourself up again after a dream shatters?

The obstacles I have are my own doubt and not knowing how to find such a person.
My own doubt I can deal with by paying more attention to and seeking out evidence that truly amazing people really do exist. I guess finding them is all about being alert to opportunities and finding new circles to move in. I am waiting for confidence, I think it will come with time and patience (as much as that sounds like waiting!).



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